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Ballet class for adult Beginner

Adult Ballet class Every Saturday at 2pm.

Improve your posture and grace, increase your flexibility at ballet barre and challenge your range of movement with this beginning ballet and dynamic stretching class for adults of all ages. No experience is required.

Ballerinas are often praised for consistently maintaining good posture. Ballet classes are designed to help you strengthening muscles that help coax your body into proper alignment. After all, when your core, back and shoulder muscles are taut and toned, it’s only natural to stand tall (and look thinner, too!) you’re strengthening muscles that are required for movement, whether it’s walking, squatting or lifting a heavy toddler. In fact, many of the ballet exercises target the muscles in your core, which support full range of motion and protect you from injury by preventing slips and falls. Exercises use small, medium and large ranges of motion to reach all of your muscle fibers. To further enhance mobility, some instructors fold in aerobic activity. The end result: Students stay mobile and active as long as possible.

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